Fabio L. Grassi
A New Homeland: The Massacre of The Circassians, Their Exodus To The Ottoman Empire and Their Place In Modern Turkey, 2018, Istanbul: Istanbul Aydin University.
In this work famous Italyan historian Fabio L. Grassi addresses Russian conquest of North-Western Caucasus, the massacre and expulsion of the natives, their forced migration into the Ottoman lands and the economic, political and socio-cultural impact of these events along with the struggle of the Circassians for acknowledgement and remembrance. “A New Homeland” enlightens the tragic concequences of the colonialist policies implemented by the Trarist regime in the Caucasus and the place of the refugees and their descendants in the formation of the modern Turkish nation.The book also includes the transcription of very important but neglected documents in French and in Italian. Also fort his reason, Fabio L. Grassi’s work deserves to be welcomed as an important contribution to our knowledge of an event one must absolutly know to understand the history of late Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey.
You can order the book from Amazon.
Kitabın Türkçe baskısı 2017 yılında Yeni Bir Vatan Çerkeslerin Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'na Zorunlu Göçü (1864) adıyla Tarihçi Kitapevi tarafından yayımlanmıştır. Kitabı Tarihçi Kitapevi'nden temin edebilirsiniz.